Computer Literacy/Microsoft Office

For all classes starting in 2025: 
Please plan on attending the first day of class for the orientation, see the list below for where and when to attend your first day.  (Emails went out to all that registered, check your spam/junk folder)
You can register for any of the classes at orientation, but you must attend the first day or have made other arrangements with the teacher. 
 Computers for beginners: Technology Essentials 
Must attend orientation on February 12th or 19th (Wednesday) at 8:30am in Room 5  w/Mr. Lee Cripps
 Level 2 Computers: Computer Applications 
3:00pm in Room 5  (after orientation you can complete the class online)
 Level 3 Computers: Microsoft Word & PowerPoint 
Must attend orientation on January 14th (Tuesday) at 11:15am in Room 4
 Level 3 Computers: Microsoft Excel 
Must attend orientation on January 13th (Monday) at 4:00pm in Room 7 (or have made arrangements with the teacher to complete orientation at a different time)
 Accounting Level 1: 
Must attend orientation on January 13th (Monday) at 6:00pm in Room 7 (or have made arrangements with the teacher to complete orientation at a different time)
In-person or Online learning:  Technology Essentials & Microsoft Word are in-person only, all other classes can be completed online with teacher approval after attending the first day of class.
Typing I (Beginning Keyboarding) - ongoing

Independent Study - This course is individualized to fit the needs of each student and develop basic alpha/numeric keyboarding skills on the computer. Emphasis is on achieving a straight-copy speed of 20 gross words a minute with a predetermined error limit. 1 credit course.

Typing II (Intermediate Keyboarding) - ongoing

Independent Study - This course is designed to build speed and skills learned in Beginning Typing/Keyboarding, using the current version of Microsoft Word and Keyboarding Pro with an emphasis of attaining straight copy rate of 45-60 gross wpm with a predetermined error limit. Additionally, students will develop skills needed to effectively format a variety of business documents. 3 credit course.





computer mouse headphones phone



Technology Essentials

Monday and Wednesday 8:30am - 10:00am

Next Start Date: February 12, 2025

Future start date: March 25, 2025 11:15am - 1:00pm

This course is designed to meet the needs of students who are returning to the classroom and have limited technology skills.  This course will help students access coursework online by using their computers and/or mobile devices. It is a short course, approximately 6 weeks, developed with the needs of the students to encourage forward progress. With a solid foundation in place, students will be encouraged to master the digital skills needed to work and learn in today’s society.





computer with apps


Computer Applications I

Monday and Wednesday 3:00pm - 5:00pm Online option available

Computer literacy is a foundational element of success in today’s technology-driven world. This course is intended for adults to learn concepts associated with key application software, basic computing fundamentals, and ethics and appropriate behavior while using technology as a tool in the world of work and in life. Adults learn how to use a computer/communication device to effectively and critically navigate, evaluate and create information using a range of sources available from the Internet. Adults enhance their ability to read for knowledge, write coherently, and think critically about the written word. Completing the course will lead to certification through Precision Exams.  It is also articulated with VVC for BET 133.




Computer Applications II a,b,c** After students have completed a foundational computer literacy course, they will be able to participate in the next level. This course is project-based designed to provide students with hands-on use of spreadsheets, word processing and presentation applications while studying computer concepts such as cloud computing and the Internet. The effective use of technology and internet resources are used to further develop teamwork, communication and presentation skills in a variety of formats. Students will focus on Industry level certification standards from Microsoft to be eligible to take performance assessments in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and/or Excel. It is also articulated with VVC for BET 104 (Word for Windows); BET 112 (Spreadsheets for Windows); BET 131 (Presentations for Windows)**Note: CANNOT take all three in the same semester, must be enrolled separately.



computer with excel


Microsoft Excel:

Next start date will be January 13, 2025 - Monday & Wednesday 4:00pm - 6:00pm - online option available

Registration for Excel will close on February 7th.







computer with document


Microsoft Word & PowerPoint:

Next start date will be January 14, 2025 - Tuesday & Thursday 11:15am -1:00pm


spreadsheet calculator


Accounting I - Next start date will be January 13th, 2025 - Monday & Wednesday 6:00pm - 8:00pm - online option available

This course is for the entry-level introduction to the bookkeeping problems of a small business for both merchandising and service-type organization. Emphasis on the development of skills for both cash and accrual methods of recording, including procedures for completion of an accounting cycle. Attention is given to special journals, subsidiary ledgers, and payroll and control systems. There will be live instruction weekly while we are on remote learning. Students will learn how to use Microsoft Excel in the completion of ledgers, journals, and periodic accounting statements. This class is also articulated with VVC for BADM 50. Successful completion of the final and maintaining an A or B will earn students 3 semester credits.




Our CTE program begins with a basic computer class that involves typing and career building skills at the adult level. There are a total of 5 courses offered within the designated Business Pathway:
Beginners can take Technology Essentials first, then go into Computer Applications

Computer Applications - BET133 through VVC

Typing I - BET 101

Typing II - BET 122

Microsoft Word  - BET 104

Microsoft Excel - BET 112

Accounting I - BADM 50

Accounting II - BADM 51

Each course offers an industry recognized certification that can be used to enhance and improve a student’s resume. Most of our certificates are offered through Precision Exams at no cost to the student. Our Microsoft courses offer the student an opportunity to take an official Microsoft exam with a small cost for the exam. 

The courses Computer Applications and Microsoft Word are open enrollment throughout the year. They are designed to be completed within 2 months - earning 3 credits each with Victor Valley College. These two courses are self-paced and can be completed as quickly as a student wants or can take an entire semester. Open enrollment for Spring semester is available until April - so that students can be completed by the beginning of June.



CTE courses offered at other Adult Schools in our region